Wednesday, July 22


preschool. and bottom is me making candles with mom.
so. finding.

"the serenade"

"the garden"

"the kiss"
lebbues woods. Best thing since robert venturi

Wednesday, July 15

It should be noted that, in the simplest equation, design equals control. When a building or a chair are designed they are not yet made, The designs are instructions to the makers to make them in particular ways. No room is left for the makers’ improvisations; rather the end product is controlled by the designer, in coordination with builders and manufacturers, as well as those who will market, distribute and sell the products. While there is risk involved, the effort is made to eliminate chance as, for example, in using hand-craft methods which will vary unpredictably. For a designer who designs, in a coordinated way, all the products in a working or living environment, the goal is to eliminate chance altogether. Total Design equals total control.

from Lebbeus Woods writings on "total design"

this is something we often forget as designers. we plan. we envision. we promote. we execute. we sell. and. often don't understand the consequences of are own work. and even less frequent, have the fortitude of opportunity to correct a consequence. which in turn governs more control and less later discussion of the unfortunate or fortunate consequences of our control.

Thursday, July 9

grandpa cole's garden

grandpa's dream and resting place. [felt like going on a countryside drive]

Wednesday, July 8

.more square b&w's

digging through old photos caught my mothers when i got back from gull lake she and i went through some more family photos that she found. i love these not only for the images but because they are square and the date stamp on the white border.

Monday, July 6

gull lake

the fireworks were just beginning to get started at the time of this photo . if you look close on the left side you can see one little ball of fireworks and on the right mother natures 4 in the sunset.

off course the fourth isn't complete without some great food.

the boston whaler.


Saturday, July 4

personality profile

ok. waited till morning to leave. [description-bottom two: the team that paces in thought, middle: the team that dissolve the paces, one down: the team that celebrates them, top: the one that that can enjoy it all]